Professional Activities
I am an active member in the Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Society (TIMES) and Decision Analysis Society (DAS) research communities in INFORMS. I also engage in editorial services for academic journals for research that lie at the intersection of operations and marketing fields.
Editorial Roles
Associate Editor: Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2024-
Senior Editor: Production and Operations Management, 2023-
Editorial Board: Decision Analysis, 2023-
Reviewer: Management Science, Operations Research, MSOM, POM, Decision Analysis, Decision Analysis, Decision Sciences, IISE Transactions, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Naval Research Logistics, Math. Methods of OR, IEEE Trans. on Engin. Mgmt, Risk Analysis, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Secretary-Treasurer: DAS Society, 2022-
Board Member at Large: TIMES Society, 2022-2023
Chair: INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper Competition, 2022
Track Chair: INFORMS Conference, Business Model Innovation, 2015
Session Chair: INFORMS Conference, POMS Conference
Judge: INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper competition, INFORMS TIMES Dissertation Award, POMS PITM Student Paper Competition
School Lead for Research Impact, 2022-
Member of Academic Promotion Committee (rep. O&T and M&A groups)
Member of Research Committee (rep. O&T and M&A groups)
Chair of Recruitment Committee, 2019-2021: O&T group
Research Seminar Organizer: O&T group
UCL Data for Policy Conference 2020 Session organizer
External Examiner, London School of Economics, Dept. of Management, 2020-2023
UCL Advances business plan competition